torsdag den 31. marts 2011


Spring is in Norway now.
the snow's been melting for a while, so the slopes have been really bad for a while. Not that I care, I've been working every day for a long time now... -.-'
but the sun has been amazing! And I wanted to bring my camera to work and take some nice morning-sun pics. and today I finally remembered, and it was grey!... and snowy! it's been snowing pretty much all day, so tomorrow I've taken the day off, and is going up snowboarding! (maybe for the last time, since the snow melts again as soon as the sun comes out...)
the birds have come, and it's really nice having some sounds around you!

Sign, that it's spring: You can actually see the road! and the snow isn't entirely white anymore... *sob*
Suz and J-E went back to sweden. H is also gone now. and in 4 weeks everyone else will leave as well, except me, Tim, Ina and Sanders... man, it'll be quiet..
The first week of may, will firstly be spent in Upssala with Anne and Sofia. and we'll probably meet up with Suz and J-E. ^__^
after that, it's DK for a couple of days for my sisters confirmation. then back and work the last three weeks, and I'm FREE! (...until september anyways...)

Suz doing nails. gawd, I'll miss this place. and especially Sofia and Anne.. <3

lørdag den 19. marts 2011



This is SO amazing!

this doesn't really belong in this blog, since I try not to become too personal, but now I really just need to get this out somewhere!

There is this girl at work, named H.
In the beginning I was being predjudice about her. that she was just another pretty face without any depth. but now. wow... Last sunday there was a party. after the party we went to T2. and we talked. and talked. and she was SO great and nice! and now, today after work, we went to see some live music together and talked again. alot! and wow.. allready now, there is this... connection... we both LOVE dogs and just wants to travel!
It's like.. I cant describe it really... there's just a connection! We have allready agreed to go to Australia together, and I'm so happy! tomorrow we're meeting again after work to go swim and cook and watch good movies!

I'm so happy! XD

the downside is, that she's going to Spain in 4 days to work as a bartender and DJ (so cool!)!
But we both wanna spent as much time together as possible before! (But at least I'll have an excuse to go to Spain soon!)

torsdag den 17. marts 2011


This is me, a year ago: (on the left)
At that point, I was planning a trip to India, were just about to get fired and had no realistic plans about the future. my plan so far, had been to go to Australia for a year. But then I met W. And became a piercer and got a lot of friends, etc.

and now:
I work and live in Norway! And this summer I'm starting in school! I have plans for the future, but I still don't know if they're realistic at all. but hope so. To my list of adventures, I can now add: Peace activist, snowboarder, season worker, 2 new languages and a (illeagal) arrest. and 3 new tattoos. and 7 less piercings.

I wonder where I'll be in a year from now...

onsdag den 16. marts 2011

Cast-lies and sweden trip

Went to the doctor, and a friendly nurse cut off my cast. I didn't tell her that I actualle took it off many days ago while drunk... and then put it back on.
Norwegian nurse: "Awwww, doesn't it feel weird having the cast off for the first time in 5 weeks? come and wash it - for the first time in 5 weeks!"
Norwgian doctor: "be carefull now, it probably feels weird having it off in the beginning. are you okay with it? can you use your hand normally?"

me: " -.-*... uhm.. thank you.. AAAAAHHHH.. lovely... yes. fine. uhm... thanks... yes.... awesome..." *feeling guilty* (I have been using my arm for work with/without cast for a pretty long time now...)

And today me, the prince, Anne and Sofia went to Sweden. Awesome trip! bought beer, new clothing etc..
The Prince

me, standing in swedish snow

The Prince was very entertained by the swedish mailboxes :)

 Good day! but it's sad to think about, that people will be leaving in only 6 weeks... damn.. But I really like Sweden! :)

fredag den 4. marts 2011


Went up the mountain today after work! I fuckin did it! I snowboardet with a broken arm! (for the second time... but this time it was planned!)

and it was so fucking awesome! I was so scared, but the prince was with me and supported me, and together, I made it up two times! damn, it felt good! and I only fell one time but nothing happend except from a small bruise on my finger, where the casp was going against!


the one with the colorfull jacket is the prince!