lørdag den 19. marts 2011



This is SO amazing!

this doesn't really belong in this blog, since I try not to become too personal, but now I really just need to get this out somewhere!

There is this girl at work, named H.
In the beginning I was being predjudice about her. that she was just another pretty face without any depth. but now. wow... Last sunday there was a party. after the party we went to T2. and we talked. and talked. and she was SO great and nice! and now, today after work, we went to see some live music together and talked again. alot! and wow.. allready now, there is this... connection... we both LOVE dogs and just wants to travel!
It's like.. I cant describe it really... there's just a connection! We have allready agreed to go to Australia together, and I'm so happy! tomorrow we're meeting again after work to go swim and cook and watch good movies!

I'm so happy! XD

the downside is, that she's going to Spain in 4 days to work as a bartender and DJ (so cool!)!
But we both wanna spent as much time together as possible before! (But at least I'll have an excuse to go to Spain soon!)

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