søndag den 24. oktober 2010

In words that cannot describe...

sunshine, friendly people, hummus, pita, pizza, noodles, teargas, weird soldiers, olive picking, dirty clothes, sugar with tea, sugar with coffee, training, steep hills, breath taking landscapes, ice coffee, mosquitos, tanned skin, services, cigarettes, laughter, austridges, wall, smiling children, sour police, palms, history, books, waterpipe, soundbombs, pepper-spray, funny irish guy, hugs, travelling, cool wind through the taxi's window, ice cream, pringles, school patrol, cold water, discussions, drawing, blogging, talking, waiting...

Favorite quote: "I don't even think for myself! I just follow orders!" - Israeli soldier
Best night: Out having fun in Ramallah with Ramona
Best demmo: Al'Ma'asara with Stella
Best action: Austridges

... to be continued! have to go and eat bye-bye pizza with ramona and london.. LOVE!!

mandag den 11. oktober 2010

daily life in Palestine

I'm May! 21 years old from Denmark and currently based in Palestine as a peace activist. 
Needless to say, that I'm here to help the palestinians fight of the illegal occupation from Israel? There's a lot to do here. when I  first arrived a couple of weeks ago, I thought I would spend most of my time picking olives and demonstrate.
And yes. that is actually what I have been during up until now. that, and also worrying like hell about the soldiers and settlers.
The soldiers I can handle. they have given me the worst treatment they could manage so far; pepperspray, teargas, soundbombs, blindfold, handcuffs and 10 hours under arrest. for participating in a peacefull demonstration against the illeagal settlement of Kemi Zur.

 It's okay. I don't mind them arresting me, if it means that they will arrest one less palestinian instead.
They face a heck of a lot longer time behind bars, than us. the worst thing the soldiers can do to me, is to detain me for 3 days and then deport me. the palestinians face prison for a looong period of time. innocent or not. old or young.

But the thing here, that worries me the most, is the settlers. they're here based on illeagal reasons. And if the army and internationals is not around, they can do whatever they want: trash palestinian houses, beat up people, threaten them and burn of their fields so their income is lost for a year.
If the interntionals is around, they tend to keep their distance and 'just' throwing some rock after us.
Nothing beats a youngster throwing rocks after you, and telling you to piss of. charming little monsters, eh?

I'm sorta happy here, I'd say. Life here has another sence of meaning, compared to DK.
But of course, I miss my friends and my boyfriend, W. Hope that the next time I return, he'll be with me.

two weeks left in this beatiful country. I'll miss the mosks and loud prayers called out over the cities several times a day. I'll miss the sun. the friendly people and the food! And the struggle. not to mention my activist family here. love to them all!