tirsdag den 24. januar 2012


third exam of the first semester is over now! the fourth is on monday, and then I'll start my second semester on the hospital :D
 Random looks like a mouse on this one *giggles*
 My study-corner.. the horror!
I like my apartment! crazy, that I've allready lived here for almost 6 months...

onsdag den 18. januar 2012

Interrail day 4+5, Pisa

Our hostel, just by the trainstation! cheap, and really friendly staff!

I bought this cute coconut hair-thingy. and then I cut my hair...

So... overspringshandling #2... just af breeze af Italy.. ah... summerlove...

Interrail day 3, Venice

okay... so this is what we in denmark call a 'overspringshandling'.. you know, when you're doing something you shouldn't be doing, 'cause you're actually (supposed to be..)reading for your exam on monday...

btw, I passed my first exam in november with a really really good grade (yay)

mandag den 16. januar 2012

this sucks

I hate this part of life... But I will forever remember her for all the good things.. <3 R.I.P Zita Rosita Fnullerguller....
Thank you for 11 good years...
