tirsdag den 23. november 2010


my newest darling

looks a little twisted, but it's made in a pretty tricky place..

yesterday, the prince and I worked for 12 hours.. @__@
today I watched pokemon most of the day, just chilling.. the prince.. well, eh.. the same, but with Naruto. and he also took a walk down to town..

søndag den 21. november 2010

beer and lovely colleagues!

I actually ended up getting beer yesterday!
The prince and I, were tugged in for the night when some of our wonderfull colleagues came knocking on our door, asking if we wanted to meet, drink and chat.
we did. The prince (also known as JD) got VERY drunk. it was fun! I really like this place and theese people! We only had a bottle of captain morgan, but one of the other girls had some beer that she shared. <3 LOVE <3
we made some great toasts: "housekeeping motherfuckeeeeer!!"
awesome! But I realized that actually none of our colleagues are norwedian! only swedish and german... geez, I'll never learn norwedian... but I still got until May so hopefully I'll pick up something?..

Time here really flies. still miss my boyfriend and some of my friends back in dk.. But I feel like I've finally moved on, and pushed myself out of my comfort-zone, and it's wonderfull!
I'm cutting my hair soon.

Right now, I'm trying to write a little bit.. I also wanna draw, but don't got the paper...
hopefully I'll soon get the money for this cutiepie:
better get to bed soon. have another day as cindarella ahead of me :)

lørdag den 20. november 2010

a fairytale

once upon a time in this time we are in right now, there is a prince. now, this prince has a straightening iron. This item makes him to a very strange, even odd, prince. I would call it a princess. but if I call the prince for princess, he gets all mad!
this is a picture of the socalled item
the prince and I are friends, and we work together. it's a good job, even thoug it's though sometimes. we're kinda like cindarella. but instead of the evil stead-mom, there's rich, friendly tourists.
the hard-earned money that the prince makes from being cindarella, goes to cloning trolls.
yes. trolls. we are, after all, in Norway - the land of trolls!
my hard-earned money will probably be used to travel some more. I'm thinking a lot about Hawaii for a couple of weeks for surfing... or just London for doing nothing. and I owe my little-sis a trip to London anyway.
the prince and I, are currently of work for the weekend. it's nice. we'll probably watch a lot of anime etc.
my fav for the moment, is Avatar - the last airbender. I really enjoy Bleach and Naruto too, but it takes so long for the plot to move on.... the prince is watching naruto.
so for now, the princess... uhm, prince and I, are living happily together. we propably wont continue to do so, but the moment now is what counts!

the end

fredag den 19. november 2010

pizza friday and beer dreaming

Nice day. I like my bosses.
one of them have a smiley piercing and long fake nails with green glitter. I like her a lot. also, she is very absent-mindet in a good way. her head flying around all the time.
this is where I work

talked with my boyfriend for an hour over skype. I really adore that thing! and I still miss him, but I think time will fly. and we should be able to pull through this! he got me some new markers! :)
gawd. cannot believe it's friday allready. should be out partying but alcohol is freaking expensive here! and I also really just enjoy sitting in the couch with my danish friend, JD, and watching bad anime, eating crisps and pizza. oh yer! this is life I tell ya! even though I really would love a beer... Newcastle brown ale... <3

I hope I can soon get the money for the snowboard gear. I really wanna go out, before we get flooded with tourists..

feel like listening to new age... and arabic folk music!

torsdag den 18. november 2010

the snow

this place is nice.. and quiet...
I think I'll have some coffee and bread with avocado...


so, yer. need to remember that I have a blog now... :)

okay. I came safely through the airport and all. ended up spending almost 100 euroes in Istanbul in 16 hours.. stupid time. I'll never figure time out! the clock in palestine and denmark is the same, but turkey IN THE MIDDLE OF THOSE TWO COUNTRIES is an hour ahead? didn't realise that, before I missed my airport bus and needed to take a taxi all the way.... dammit.
but whatever. met a nice canadian girl at the hostel. and made it back to dk, where one of my friends invited me out for food. It was SO great! a lovely place with the best vegan/vegetarian buffet.
got some cold beers. *orgasm*
before taking the train the last step of the way home, I also met another friend. we talked a lot. missed that guy! so got another beer, and then went the last distance....

I didn't really enhoy being back home... sure, it was really great seing my boyfriend etc again, but not enough anymore... the same people, the same problems, the same fight and the same frustrations...

so now I'm in Norway! meeting new people and working at a ski resort. it's nice but cold. and I really miss palestine... but for now I need the money and another break from dk. so my next goal is to learn how to snowboard! and stop missing my boyfriend so much...

I love life!