fredag den 30. december 2011


-I guess.. wow.. bored on a friday night?
got off work around 9. then got a beer with my colleagues. then went home and drank som wine. got even more bored. too drunk to write and too uninspired to draw.. so what now?...

I know! I'll pierce myself!.. great idea...

I've missed nose piercings <3 and I think it looks pretty good.. why did I ever take the first 5 out?...

danish christmas

My youngest sister. I took pics for my mums c-present

my eldest sister - also present

 I dunno if it's just my family.. but for us, christmas is all about eating. eating and drinking. (I was out in town the day before, so I was on the soda-wave...)
 and the food...
 the tree...
 present to me from santa claus XD
 "I'm getting to old for this sh**... *sob*"
not much new. i'm working and school is starting again on monday.. *sigh*

onsdag den 7. december 2011


okay... this life is SO boring! But I'm actually quite proud of myself! I manage to go to the same school everyday, the same job every week and wake up in the same bed 6 days a week...!

I'm in Århus pretty much every weekend, to see my friends and go out. This weekends I went to Fyn and IKEA. long live cheap furniture, and friends who doesn't stop you from spending a months pay at one time... (Lloyd<3)
I suspect the boredom for pushing me into a new addiction - my creditcard! poor, poor creditcard...

Right now I'm in school, learning about the immunesystem. I actually did read my homework for today, so there's no big need for me to listen all that closely. or something... ahem...

okay... I should focus... this weekend, I will - for once- remember to bring my camera and take some pics :)

pease out

søndag den 30. oktober 2011

lesson learned

hopefully for the last time!

no more boyfriends for a very, very long time!
why is it, they allways turn into jerks, the minute you break up with them? (Except from Hrrrrrreppe <3)

Thank gawd for awesome friends! Had a blast this friday with AB, Pan + girl, Anja and Jonas. we went to this halloween party. pretty nice, but we were almost the only ones dressed up.
gonna throw in some pics as soon as I get 'em from Jonas. saturday I was chilling with AB and Lloyd. Today I've been preparing for tomorrow and reading for my next test in nursing...

oh happy day :)

søndag den 23. oktober 2011


I've now reached the point in my life, where I start to wonder how people my age(22), can afford their own car and children?

I don't really spend much money, but I still wouldn't be able to buy my own car, or support a child?

And why does almost all of my friends, talk about their next step being getting a child?


And now Peter bought a dog.. not fair.. I want a dog!

Heh... Peter is nice...

I'm thinking about, starting to challenge myself a little bit. just small things in the everyday life that can make peoples (my) day better, and help me grow as a person! and also to give me something more to write about on this blog. gawd, it's a boring life, if you ask me.
school, homework, work, sleep.
repeat a thousand times and you have my life!

or something like that....
next weekend, there's a halloween party in Århus wee! and a hip hop show, for the protection of animals!
and I'm going to hang with AB, Lloyd and Anja :)

onsdag den 19. oktober 2011

lovely weekend!

this weekend, I went to a cabin with some of my old friends! Soooo nice to see them again! :)

I feel so happy right now! Things are just great, and I'm getting in touch with old friends, and keeping in touch with new friends! it may be a little bit mean, but my old, real life is kinda returning, now that W is not in my life anymore!

so yer.. the thing that was never supposed to happen, happened. W affected my life. I should stay single for a long, loong time now!

mandag den 10. oktober 2011

So much info about the body... @___@


But I actually never thought, I would become this smart! Ask me about the nervesystem, and I'll answer :p
and the brain! and senses! and hormones! This is so cool, I love my school!
 Anywho, nothing new in the private. Me and W split again, but I don't think it'll make a big difference in my everyday life.
trying to either draw or write everyday, but there's just so much homework... X_x

And my apartment is getting along pretty well.  I want to post some pics, but they're all on my other computer. (No I'm defenitely NOT in school right now, with my school computer, doing something NOT school-related...)

weather is pretty cold and grey right now. Luve it! <3 have to go out and get some good autumn pics, soon!

peace out!

torsdag den 22. september 2011


I was defenitely NOT out drinking, doing wednesday quiz at the Wineroom yesterday!
no sir! I was taking care of homework, studying, studiyng, studying etc.
yup. for sure. love school. hate having fun with friends :p

onsdag den 14. september 2011

mandag den 12. september 2011

Life as a student-pirate - week 3

oh my gawd...

totally forgot about, how hard it is to get up early every fucking single morning and drag my corpus to school.... and remember to bring lunch. and do homework. and clean. and keeping coins for laundry day. and not having any money in a town, where dumbster diving is very VERY difficult!


Met up with Pan and his GF yesterday! so nice! then Sf tatooed me in the hand. auch. he also tatooed my ear and fingers a couple of weeks ago. Getting some more ink tomorrow. - I think I'm addicted?

anyhwo, school is nice, work sucks etc etc

... and I really want those boots! -still... (They would go so well with a pirate costume!)

-And W's Unger shirt... I'm gonna have to steal it somehow, without him noticing... hmm...


fredag den 26. august 2011

my first tattoo!!!

 Not done yet, of course! Once I get better, I'll have to correct the outlines and give it some color! but damn! i finally did it, I made my first tattoo! (I'm very proud of myself!!)

And a couple of days ago, I bought a new bike! this baby here is going with me on my bike-vacation in Norway (at some point..) and i also have plans of biking to france at some point! I foresee a great future with this baby! dont know what to name it yet, though...