søndag den 23. oktober 2011


I've now reached the point in my life, where I start to wonder how people my age(22), can afford their own car and children?

I don't really spend much money, but I still wouldn't be able to buy my own car, or support a child?

And why does almost all of my friends, talk about their next step being getting a child?


And now Peter bought a dog.. not fair.. I want a dog!

Heh... Peter is nice...

I'm thinking about, starting to challenge myself a little bit. just small things in the everyday life that can make peoples (my) day better, and help me grow as a person! and also to give me something more to write about on this blog. gawd, it's a boring life, if you ask me.
school, homework, work, sleep.
repeat a thousand times and you have my life!

or something like that....
next weekend, there's a halloween party in Århus wee! and a hip hop show, for the protection of animals!
and I'm going to hang with AB, Lloyd and Anja :)

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