lørdag den 30. april 2011

New anime XD

Samurai Champloo! It's SO cool! lov the style and storyline!

My plans for Stockholm got cancelled in the last minute, so had to spent two more days alone in Trysil. Chilling in the sun, reading, watching SC... poor me :)

But tomorrow morning I'm leaving for Copenhagen! Yay!

tirsdag den 26. april 2011

The meat-monster hall of fame :P

Down in Trysil town, there is a little burger-bar that has a "wall of fame"! To get on it, you need to eat a burger with 1000 gr. meat in it.

The prince likes meat. And he was drunk yesterday and therefore hangovered today - Guess where we went?

(with that said, I thought it was disgusting! both me and sofia are vegetarian, which rocks!)

søndag den 24. april 2011

bye bye snowboard

Simon left yesterday with my snowboard, boots, jacket, skipants, gloves etc... it was so weird when he left. just to say "Hey, see ya back in dk!" and then he was gone, while I was stile stuck in a green T-shirt pushing a bloody trolley around.
Wish it was me... or wish I was H, who's in Spain right now on a new adventure...

Today is the last day working for about 90% of the housekeeping people. So tonight we'll have a big party. and wednesday, the hotel is throwing us a goodbye party too. and friday my plane leaves for Stockholm :)

Can't believe we've allready been here for 6 months...

torsdag den 21. april 2011

new hair

My hair FINALLY became white! and I love it! but I'm done bleaching it now. I think I've damaged the environment and my hair enough now. Other than that, nothing new. the snowboarding season for me is over now, since I have to work every day, and Simon is leaving with my snowboard on saturday. I had my last trip up the mountain today, and it was awesome/ I was awesome! but the snow is just too slushy to be good anymore. and you don't need a jacket either, that's how hot it is right now! even on the top!

all the ski-stores are having a sale now, so I bought a couple of new key-chains. I love them!

One week left, before going to Stockholm and then back to dk!
now, I will force myself to go to bed... Have to meet early tomorrow...

torsdag den 14. april 2011

day off :)

nice day!
the sun was out, so took a nice walk. unfortunatly my cheap camera broke...

I've been reading some stuff from Derrick Jensen again today. I can feel that I actually grew, compared to when I last read it a year ago.

Listening to Prodigy - Spitfire. nice song!

tomorrow I'm also off, so I'm going up snowboarding with Simon.

onsdag den 13. april 2011

employee party

Uhm! alco-free pearcider! :)
weather was nice and people got really drunk! except from me, who wanna 'be healthy' for a change :)

tirsdag den 12. april 2011

work work work

Nothing new. trying to enjoy my last time here, with friends :)

we are *TADA* : "The green T-shirts!"

lørdag den 9. april 2011

the summer-thing

Oh gawd.
I've been invited to stay for free in Barcelona for a whole week with Lloyd. I can't say no to that!?
And two girls from my gymnasie (danish college) asked if I want to rent a apartment in Berlin! I can't say no to that!? we've been talking about going to Berlin together for so long!

so I'm changing my summer plans a bit. instead of hitch-hiking to France, I'll buy a Interrail ticket! then I can start out in Barcelona with Lloyd(after a visit to Amsterdam and Paris), and then go to France with Anja (If she can) and then end the interrail in Berlin with Niko and Christine. :)
It'll probably be more expensive, but what the heck. I'll just cut back on some other things! and besides... It's my last summer, before going back to school ;__;
but I'm still looking forward to finishing studying. then I can work with Doctors Without Borders! (Médecins Sans Frontières) man... seems so far away right now...

But first of may is coming up! looking forward to seeing Stockholm and Upsala with Sofia and Anne!
and when I land in Copenhagen, I'm going to Tivoli with W <3

ah... only 5 weeks of work left... XD

-from the last time I was in berlin! <3 over a year ago, now... K and Lloyd :)