torsdag den 22. september 2011


I was defenitely NOT out drinking, doing wednesday quiz at the Wineroom yesterday!
no sir! I was taking care of homework, studying, studiyng, studying etc.
yup. for sure. love school. hate having fun with friends :p

onsdag den 14. september 2011

mandag den 12. september 2011

Life as a student-pirate - week 3

oh my gawd...

totally forgot about, how hard it is to get up early every fucking single morning and drag my corpus to school.... and remember to bring lunch. and do homework. and clean. and keeping coins for laundry day. and not having any money in a town, where dumbster diving is very VERY difficult!


Met up with Pan and his GF yesterday! so nice! then Sf tatooed me in the hand. auch. he also tatooed my ear and fingers a couple of weeks ago. Getting some more ink tomorrow. - I think I'm addicted?

anyhwo, school is nice, work sucks etc etc

... and I really want those boots! -still... (They would go so well with a pirate costume!)

-And W's Unger shirt... I'm gonna have to steal it somehow, without him noticing... hmm...
