fredag den 30. december 2011


-I guess.. wow.. bored on a friday night?
got off work around 9. then got a beer with my colleagues. then went home and drank som wine. got even more bored. too drunk to write and too uninspired to draw.. so what now?...

I know! I'll pierce myself!.. great idea...

I've missed nose piercings <3 and I think it looks pretty good.. why did I ever take the first 5 out?...

danish christmas

My youngest sister. I took pics for my mums c-present

my eldest sister - also present

 I dunno if it's just my family.. but for us, christmas is all about eating. eating and drinking. (I was out in town the day before, so I was on the soda-wave...)
 and the food...
 the tree...
 present to me from santa claus XD
 "I'm getting to old for this sh**... *sob*"
not much new. i'm working and school is starting again on monday.. *sigh*

onsdag den 7. december 2011


okay... this life is SO boring! But I'm actually quite proud of myself! I manage to go to the same school everyday, the same job every week and wake up in the same bed 6 days a week...!

I'm in Århus pretty much every weekend, to see my friends and go out. This weekends I went to Fyn and IKEA. long live cheap furniture, and friends who doesn't stop you from spending a months pay at one time... (Lloyd<3)
I suspect the boredom for pushing me into a new addiction - my creditcard! poor, poor creditcard...

Right now I'm in school, learning about the immunesystem. I actually did read my homework for today, so there's no big need for me to listen all that closely. or something... ahem...

okay... I should focus... this weekend, I will - for once- remember to bring my camera and take some pics :)

pease out