søndag den 7. oktober 2012


okay, so I got really, really tired of using the internet for social networking etc., which also meant that I haven't had the energy/inspiration for blogging for a while now...
But fear not, my one and loyal reader (Kaare)!

I will now divide my blog into 2 different sections:

1. my travel blog - this will contain pictures, stories, advice etc. from my travels
2. my 'old' random blibberish blog - all the random stuff from everyday life, but I will try to focus on it being more of a D.I.Y inspiration/guide, so that it will be a collection of everything that has to do with the punk/diy-scene

peace out :3

lørdag den 26. maj 2012


(I'm such a girl, I know...)
Just HAD to own theese babies <3 my last DC shoes lasted almost three years, including travelling in Amsterdam, Palestine, Norway and the interrail trip around Europe <3 they did good, and that's why I wanna buy theese overly-expencive pretty, pretty babies :)
hopefully they will join me on many new travels.

and now, I have to go to work for 12 hours to get the extra cash they cost... X_x

søndag den 20. maj 2012

Interrail day 9-15 getting there and Barcelona

In Prague we encountered a problem. there where, like, no tickets at all. we tried everything, byt the lady by the computer just sat there, stonefaced and kept saying: "Computer says no!"
word of advice; when travelling in the Czech Republik, be sure to be well prepared and plan/book trains ahead. especially when leaving for Barcelona in the summer period.

So, we got tickets for the next day and went to a hostel nearby the main train station. after the festival we had no energy, so we just showered, ate and slept instead of going sightseeing... sigh.. travelling is hard..

The next train went through Germany and Switzerland, where we spend the night in Berg, sleeping at the station, before moving on the next morning. south through France and then, FINALLY; Barcelona <3
Bern central station
Somewhere in southern France
3 guys we met in the train. one from Austria and two from Belgium. nice people :)
Gia, the dog <3
Anja w. the owner of Voodoo tattoo, mr. Voodoo :)
much love to our host in Barcelona and his charming house <3 <3

lørdag den 19. maj 2012

okay.. so... Blogger.com changed their web-design (at least on my computer they did)..
which means I'm kinda disabled right now... It took me one year, to learn how to use the old system. and now I can start all over. for the same reason, I stopped using facebook. (that and too much drama..)

so.. sorry about the non-excisting blogs the last, many weeks... but also, I've been busy having a life! or something... nothing new happened, I still live in the same town, go to the same school and work the same place...

But I did actually did something nice today: I bought a necklace that I can wear whithout feeling shame over my own consumerism!
the necklace is made by a young survivor from Cambodia. I would strongly suggest everyone to take a look at their main webpage! and this is where I bought the pre-mentioned necklace :)

also, me and my friend, Sarah, have decided to go to Rome, while we prepare for our final exams before summerbreak :) sun, culture, museums and good wine? yessir! (whilst reading of course... -.-')
so, pictures will follow soon :3

torsdag den 26. april 2012

working my ass off

so. finished my first inturn-stay at the hospital, had my exam, all is great yadda yadda. now I'm back in school, reading again and working looong nightshifts at the restaurant...
last night was crazy! guests just kept coming, and we were only two working in the kitchen that evening! so, of course, it got really late! like, really really late! finished up at around 2am and then straight home to bed! good thing, there's no school today, only pilates in the afternoon :3

when we finally closed up, and the last guests were leaving, we didn't know whether to cry or laugh. ending up laughing. a lot. and drinking beer. and liters of soda and coffee. 

oh, and sunday, when I was also closing up the kitchen, the oven decided it had missed me so much, that it just haaaad to hug me. OUCH! =nasty burn on my arm.

mandag den 2. april 2012


Day 04 - A picture of yourself and a family member
me and my granma at my granpa's 70th b-day. we were doing an kinda improvised act, where I'm doing the part of a dog, licking the face of my granma, who's playing a fair maid, who later on gets kidnapped by evil dude, and then rescued by a dashing prince (played by my granpa). My family has a weird idea of entertainment, I know :p


just small moments from my life - some is taken with my HTC-cam, therefore the poor quality..

 from video-w.-awesome-food-weekend! with Pan and Sarah <3

 never really got the point of those fake glasses...

 what I'm working on right now, so WIP.. :3
 Sus at the intro-cabin trip with the new nurse students, 6th of february :)
 mouse-trap from the mentioned cabin-trip
 small gathering with colleagues from the restaurant
 from a night shift at the hospital

 enter of dawn after a long night...
 view from the Randers Hospital at 6-ish am
 grey morning.. love dk...
 uhm.. actually don't remember that much from that evening..
new ink <3 love having tattoo-artists for friends :D

torsdag den 15. marts 2012

Day 03 - A picture of the cast from your favorite show

gawd.. I LUF Scrubs and BBT and HIMYM etc.. and a lot of animes too.. But I think L Word is my fave right now <3

Interrail day 6-8, Obscene Extreme (Czech Republic)

okay.. so, I admit... I spend most of my time in our camp, drinking, sleaping, chatting, ...uhm... eating... I did see some bands, but I didn't wanna bring my over-expensive camera... I need to get a small digital cam soon.. only having a mirrorrefleks is annoying..
I don't really wanna make any commercials for the festival. sure, it was kinda cool, with vegan food etc.. but there where a lot of porn-grind, which I cannot support. not now, not ever.