torsdag den 30. december 2010

the usual

mess from the livingroom table. we have it the wild way, you see!

closeup of my dreads... *sob*


christmas chocolate calendar

W left. I miss him. And I'm bored today. It's nice! our work days are pretty tough right now, so whenever I have a day off, I do absolutely nothing, and I love it that way! but I'm still looking forward to go out snowboarding!

mandag den 27. december 2010

christmas and that stuff...

Nothing new. all is still work and chilling with W... and dreaming about travelling as always... to get money. and go on a train...

maybe to Paris... or London.. or Wienna... *sob*

didn't really celebrate christmas this year... me and the prince was working. and when we got home we ate rice pudding. W and me watched movies, and the prince went out drinking with some colleagues..
and I talked to my dad. this is the first year I'm not celebrating christmas with my parents.
it's fine... just miss the food and nostalgic feel about it :) and I'm not really religious in any way, so...

W is leaving wednesday. And the prince and I will get more work now, so... there won't really be much to write about until I get the money to go snowboarding..

peace <3

søndag den 19. december 2010

Once and now.

I once knew Joy. She was amazing and filled up most of my life.
But then she got a boyfriend. the rest is well-known history and a bunch load of lame, stupid clichés...

I can't cry over her anymore, cause I'm all dried-out.
I can't tell her things anymore, cause she doesn't want to know me.
I can't see her anymore, cause she doesn't want to know of me.

We dreamed together. Now, dreaming of her only brings bitterness.
We laughed together. Now, laughing is still not the same.
We cried together. Now, I won't cry anymore!

My dream is to get a boat and sail all over the world. and to become a tattoo-artist and live of my artwork. I also wanna go and help people as a nurse.
And as always, I wanna see as much of the world as possible!

I don't really care what sacrifices I make, cause I know it'll be worth it in the end!

Bill, I owe you so much! <3

And I hope Joy is happy, even though I'm no longer part of it, and that this fact will always burn in my chest.
thanks for the past 15 years together. I couldn't have made it whithout you!

Now, I will try to only look forwards! :3

lørdag den 18. december 2010


Anne and Sofia is coming to dinner tonight. they should be here soon, actually..
still doing nothing theese days, but tomorrow it's back to the job. nice!

Also just got off the phone with my mum. she's very happy about me cutting off my dreads... *sob*
my lil'sis is celebrating 20 years tomorrow. I kinda feel like I'm missing out on my family life in dk, but come to think about it... I've been missing out ever since I started moving around 3 years ago.. oh well.

still, I'm excited about my new hair, and it's nice to be with W again. and me and the prince is rocking this country as always (It's the prince on the top picture).. heh.. candy prince!

torsdag den 16. december 2010

Chilling with W

I did absolutely NOTHING the past few days! <3
W came tuesday night and Anne helped me fetch him. oh... and during the day we had a fire drill. I died... fail...
been of work since. I have to work again sunday and again in the christmas days. that's it!

I got my hair cut today. at a hairdresser! havn't been to one of those for 7 years.. remember why! I hate letting people cut my hair in a way I'm pretty much NOT satisfied with, and then PAY for it??..
oh well.. It'll grow back out. and after christmas I'm going to colour it pale blonde, almost white. man, it'll be expensive.. but as soon as I'm done working at the hotel, I wanna get some turqouise color in it. Gonna be sweet <3

I' thinking just to apply this in the hairtips. Otherwise it'll be too much I think...
Hmm... we ate pizza today. and now, we're watcing anime (pokemon and bleach) and south park.

later <3

mandag den 13. december 2010

reasons to miss denmark...

Meaning 'velcome home'.. made by jolle when I came back from palestine <3

because there is a certain cozy feeling in the house...

Nice people

again, the cozy feeling

nice, sun-tanned punks

W <3

..and the city
 Everything is going okay up here north. we had a 'Kick off' party yesterday, to celebrate the beginning of the winter-skiing season. there was food, drinks, bowling, swimming and nice colleagues <3
really needed that night after some hard work days and 3 sleepless nights.. looks like tonight will be the same, but luckyli W is coming tomorrow.. then I can sleep tightly again!
I'd wish I had a good pic of Jonas and Anja.. miss 'em really much...
huh... should try to go back to sleep... :3

torsdag den 9. december 2010

trysil count

number of days: 24

money saved: -5000 kr.

drinking days: 1,5

drawings: 4

emptied coffee jars: 1,5

kisses: 0

cigarettes: 3

sick days: 1 (bloody bacon...)

numbers of calls with W over skype: unknown

emails from friends in dk: 0

Pokemon episodes: 129

how to make money?.. and time...

There is this folk school on Zanzibar I really really want to go to...
It's 4 months long, and has all the great classes! and you get to go on a safari for two weeks, sleep with the native villages AND you get a diving certificate! *LOVE*

but... how am I going to make 60.000 kr.??
And I still want to:
  • go to Australia for a year
  • go roadtripping in the USA for 3 months with Anja
  • go back to Palestine with W this summer
  • open up a bookcafe in dk
  • go to London with my sister
  • move to Berlin with Anja 
  • go to Obscene Extreme in the Czech Republic this summer
  • go on interrail
  • become a tattoo artist
  • get a houseboat
Ah, gee... and with all that, I also need to find 4 years to go to nurse school...
I know... Luxcurious problem... At least the school is free in dk...

oh, why did I have to think about that stupid folk school again? I was planning on going after college, but then reality hit me, and I was no way near having the money for it... and then I met W... and forgot about it/gave up... but now I really wanna go again... geez.. It's to early for me, to feel that my life is too short.. I'm still only 21 gawdammit!

But even if I was able to get the money for all of this, how am I supposed to find the time for it?
well, at least I have until May here in Norway to think about it... *sob*

søndag den 5. december 2010

in the perfect world...

Because I can! XD

My (boring) dailylife...

I told myself to go to bed early today... but what the heck... I'm off work tomorrow!
I realised that I don't really have so much to write about up here... normally I'm too busy to write anything, but here, I suddenly have a normal dailylife routine again! wtf? Haven't had one of those since... since school!

08:30 - alarm bipping.
08:31 - wtf?.... *dream about W dissapears* falling out of bed and putting the bloody alarm on snooze. swearingly crawling back to bed.
08:41 - just 5 more minutes...
08:51 - just 5 more minutes...
09:01 - jus... ive.. inutes... mo...
09:11 -
09:21 - *blob*
09:31 - WHAT? where am I? who am I? what time is it? am I late... ... ! ... oh... it's sunday.. first have to meet at 11. makes a new alarm.
09:45 - final alarm. dammit.... why did I go to bed at 3 am??... *sigh*
09:49 - taking a shower, wishing that some friendly christmas spirits made some pancakes for breakfast. Or at least gave us some food to get a good breakfast.
09:56 - negative. no food. just oatmeal again. almost panics when realising that the package almost is empty.
09:57 - being interrupted by a loud snore and mumble from my the prince. rolling my eyes and putting over water for coffee.
09:58 - turning on computer.
10:05 - remembering the sleeping prince and the coffee. try to wake him, makes oatmeal, coffee and heads back fo the computer. FB <3
10:15 - wakes the prince again.
10:35 - gets dressed, gets annoyed that the prince takes a shower few minutes before we normally leave for work so I can't brush my teeth right away.
10:45 - stomping of to work, annoyed at the prince for being slow.
10:47 - admiring the newfallen snow and lighten up
10:52 - arriving at work. hurrying to change into uncomfortable, smelly working clothes.
11:01 - work begins with a fake smile and a sob... *sob*
12:35 - crappy lunch. bad memory of bacon in the vegetables this friday, makes me only eat bread with butter. (I spend all saturday with a REALLY bad stomach, complaining over the unvilling intake of meat.. yuk..)
18:32 - gets off, because I'm so amazing! (ok, not quite true.. complained so much about my stomach, so that the bosses finally felt sorry for me and let me go...) saying goodbye and leaves the office for changing.
18:33 - going back to the office to check out next week work schedule.
18:34 - changing and going outside and starts walking home.
18:44 - realises I didn't fill out my time schedule, and walks all the way back to the office.
18:47 - leaving office.
18:49 - re-entering the office to tell the boss, that I want to work extra during the next week. kissing by boss' ass.
19:02 - finally home! loving my boss for being so friendly and smiling! goes straight for the coputer to watch pokemon episodes.
19:39 - makes food.
19:51 - talks with W over skype <3
20:39 - finishes talking with W.. going back to watching pokemon and doing other braindead stuff online (FB...)

and here I am now... 23:41...

wow... My life sucks right now.. but at least I made 750 nkr AFTER tax! muha..
damn, I hate having a life, that evolves aroung money... Need to think back on the good times and getting excited about the upcoming..
Me and Jolle... at the kill-town festival in Copenhagen. it was the best weekend for several years!

good times in Hamburg

my parents dog... *missing*
trip to Berlin with Lloyd <3
damn. cool times :)

lørdag den 4. december 2010


We've been working alot, so that's good! I'm really really poor right now, and Norway is an expensive country!
Me and W:
Because I miss him a lot
I've been thinking a lot about going to Australia lately. I really wanna go, but I have so many things going on in dk.. but right now, I think I'll go ASAP/as soon as I can afford it... And if W could come, it would save my life! I miss him so much, but I need the money too much to go back to dk.. and I don't really want to yet... But he's coming 14th of december, so almost only a week away! :)

I've finally startet to draw again! hopefully I can start making my portofolio soon. (my big dream is to become a tattoo artist)
It's one of my biggest passions so to say.. I love having passion for something! I guess I have a lot, as Bill said.. heh. I miss Bill too.. I wanna go back to Oslo and see him as soon as I have the money for it..

my passions:
-taking pictures
-helping people

and I'm addicted to anything that can give me a adrenalin rush!

I should go to bed now.. it's 2:26 am and I need to work soon...
but I make my best work at night! and I'm working on a great drawing.... ... ... ... I'll go to bed now.. I'm getting afraid to ruin my drawing anyway..

nighty night