torsdag den 26. april 2012

working my ass off

so. finished my first inturn-stay at the hospital, had my exam, all is great yadda yadda. now I'm back in school, reading again and working looong nightshifts at the restaurant...
last night was crazy! guests just kept coming, and we were only two working in the kitchen that evening! so, of course, it got really late! like, really really late! finished up at around 2am and then straight home to bed! good thing, there's no school today, only pilates in the afternoon :3

when we finally closed up, and the last guests were leaving, we didn't know whether to cry or laugh. ending up laughing. a lot. and drinking beer. and liters of soda and coffee. 

oh, and sunday, when I was also closing up the kitchen, the oven decided it had missed me so much, that it just haaaad to hug me. OUCH! =nasty burn on my arm.

mandag den 2. april 2012


Day 04 - A picture of yourself and a family member
me and my granma at my granpa's 70th b-day. we were doing an kinda improvised act, where I'm doing the part of a dog, licking the face of my granma, who's playing a fair maid, who later on gets kidnapped by evil dude, and then rescued by a dashing prince (played by my granpa). My family has a weird idea of entertainment, I know :p


just small moments from my life - some is taken with my HTC-cam, therefore the poor quality..

 from video-w.-awesome-food-weekend! with Pan and Sarah <3

 never really got the point of those fake glasses...

 what I'm working on right now, so WIP.. :3
 Sus at the intro-cabin trip with the new nurse students, 6th of february :)
 mouse-trap from the mentioned cabin-trip
 small gathering with colleagues from the restaurant
 from a night shift at the hospital

 enter of dawn after a long night...
 view from the Randers Hospital at 6-ish am
 grey morning.. love dk...
 uhm.. actually don't remember that much from that evening..
new ink <3 love having tattoo-artists for friends :D