lørdag den 25. juni 2011

waiting and learning

I'm SO bored!

back home in Århus, and time is moving way too slow. just waiting... 5 days left before leaving for the big trip!

starting out with train to Hamborg(I think??) and switching train and then to Paris, where me and Lloyd have 12 hours to kill (oh, the horror! :O) and then moving on to Barcelona, where we'll be about noon saturday! and then a whole week of relaxing by a pool and playing plane, ordinary tourists! XD

From Barcelona, Lloyd will go back to DK and I'll meet up with Anja in Paris! We'll probably stay in Paris for some days (Disneyland, wee!!) and then move south to go camping in the beatiful French nature! Then we'll go to Tuscany and Venice and lastly finish in London!
awesome! :3

anyway. I wanted to talk a bit about being vegetarian/vegan!
I've been vegetarian for a while and when I'm not on the road I'm normally vegan! (even though it's tough...)

People ask me a lot, WHY??? HOW??? how can you live without meat?

Why? well...
- People around the world is starving! we could change that by simply cutting down in our meat! especially in DK, people eat way to much meat!
- Meat is the food source that demands most reccources! it takes 7 kg of korn to produce 1 kg of beef! and 4kg korn to make 1 kg of pork!
- It's a waste of fossil fuels and not to mention the greenhouse gas emissions and other sorts of pollution!
- The way animals are treated! They are living creatues and deserves the same treatment and respect as humans! Instead they are treated like objects with no feelings or nervesystem! (yes, fish have nerves too, and are therefore NOT vegetarian dammit!)
- Its healthier! from my point of view, humans where never created to eat meat in the first place! we are not natural born killers with sharp teeth and fangs! and we are not that good at digesting meat either!..

How? you see...
It's really not that hard!
step one: Get some recipes online or buy a vegetarian cookbook!
step two: STOP buying and eating meat! your body will get used to it pretty quickly!
step three: enjoy not eating tortured-to-death-dead animals anymore!

Not that hard! there's substitutes for almost every type of meat! try soya and Tofu, but don't overdo it! don't use it as replacement for meat! studies has shown that too much tofu and soya can actually give women breast cancer! one of my friends also became allergic after eating too much soya. just shows that our bodies are not made for that much soya. I could go on a long time about why to stay away from soya, but I'll save it for later...
try lentils and beans! You can make so much good food with it! and eat a lot of green! I feel some kind of satisfaction to eat 100% home-made food, where I know all the ingreedients! No fake colours, no e-numbers, no preservation, noting! just 100% natural as it should be!

to learn more: https://www.vegsoc.org/

or watch the movies Earthlings (not for the ones with a weak stomach!) or Food Inc!

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