søndag den 15. maj 2011

housekoncert and new outdoor toilet

We had a housekoncert friday evening/night! It was really really cool!

but earlier that day, we had a plummer out to lok at our plummings.
not good.
The bathroom had problems with flushing the water away and at one point the whole bathroom was flooded.
the plummer discovered that one of our pipes is broken.
not good.
So the bathroom is at the risk at stopping again any time. and if the landlord decides he doesn't wanna fix it/pay for it, he can evict us with three months of notice. witch would suck, since our garden is finally getting good, and all my roomies have been working their asses off, to make the house livable again.
defenitely not good.
So we all decided to make a outdoor toilet for no. 2 and only use the inside toilet for peeing. and not throw toilet paper in the toilet. If we can keep it that way, the chances of a new flooding is very little! It's like living in a squat again :)

And it's actually kinda nice to sit outside and shit :p I <3 D.I.Y and the collective lifestyle!

now, hopefully, we can stay as long as we like.

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