fredag den 27. maj 2011

pixels of memory...

from Palestine... Haven't had the chance to look at them properly before now...
and wow.. I miss it... W is going there soon. wish I could go, but can't make it... I would need to change my name and passboard first, otherwise they would probably send me straight back home in the Tel Aviv airport...
from my first demo

from the olive harvest, near Nablus


olives, olives and more olives..

Al Ma'asara demo

from the empty streets in Hebron

soldiers demolished a house near Hebron. the familys belongings where spread out over the place.

abandoned Hebron street

En Nabu Saleh, I think the village was called. a lot of demos take place there.


the settlers throws stuff down on the shopping people, so a protective 'roof' has been made

big, BIG demo. with... 5 peace activists..
gawd I miss it... my heart still goes crazy when I see some of the videos from the demos...
(I'm the noisy one in the adidas jacket and with the dreads..)

Good morning Palestina. Rise and shine! I will see you again some day!

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